Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) Vautier Street 29 - 1000 Brussels – BELGIUM Dr. Thierry SmithCoordinator Vertebrate PaleontologyPaleogene faunas Dr. Annelise FolieCurator of Paleontological Collections Paleoherpetology (lizards, snakes, frogs and salamanders)Paleogene faunas Dr. Floréal SoléResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2013-2020)PaleomammalogyPaleogene carnivorous faunas Dr. Eric De BastResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2015-2017)PaleomammalogyPaleocene European faunas Dr. Ulysse LefevreResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2018)3D reconstructionPaleogene vertebrates Ghéreint DevilletResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2020)Phylogeny and illustrationMammal faunas Dr. Louis TaverneScientific CollaboratorPaleoichtyologyPaleogene African faunas Fabrice Vanderlinden Technical assistant (2013-2016)Molding and Casting, Screenwashing, Microvertebrates preparation Nathan Vallée-Gillette Technical assistant (2017-)Molding and Casting, Screenwashing, Microvertebrates preparation Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) Leuvensesteenweg 13 - 3080 Tervuren - BELGIUM Dr. Thierry De PutterPromotorMineralization processes Dr. Florias MeesCurator of Paleontological and Mineralogical collectionsSedimentology Dr. Germain BayonResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2016) Sediment geochemistry Paleoenvironmental studies Shana De ClercqResearch Assistant (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project, 2017) SedimentologyAfrican regional geology Daniel BaudetResearch Assistant African regional geology Ghent University (UGent) Krijgslaan 281 S8 - 9000 Ghent - BELGIUM Dr. Stephen Louwye Promotor Paleobiology of Mesozoic to Recent palynomorphs Thomas SteemanPhD Fellow (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project)Paleogene dinoflagellate cysts and pollen Julie De WeirdtMaster student (2014-2015)Paleo-Eocene dinoflagellate cysts University of Namur (UNamur) Bruxelles Street 61 - 5000 Namur - BELGIUM Dr. Johan YansPromotorStratigraphy of continental sediments Corentin NoiretPhD Fellow (Belspo PalEurAfrica Project)Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Gaëtan RochezTechnicianIsotopic analysis Duke University Lemur Center Broad Street 1013 - 27705 Durham - North Carolina - USA Dr. Gregg GunnellPromotorPaleomammalogyAncient primates and bats Dr. Ellen MillerPaleoanthropologyPhysical anthropology Dr. Hesham SallamPostdoc Fellow (2015-2016)PaleomammalogyEocene-Oligocene rodents and primates Catherine RiddleStaff specialistDatabasing and collection management Vicki YarboroughStaff specialistMolding and casting, fossil preparation Ohio University Department of Biomedical Sciences Irvine Hall 228 - 45701 Athens - USA Dr. Nancy StevensPromotorPaleomammalogyPaleogene-Neogene interval Dr. Jacob McCartneyPostdoc Fellow (2015-2016)PaleoherpetologyOligocene snakes Dr. Matthew BorthsPostdoc Fellow (2016-2017)PaleomammalogyPaleogene mammals Karie WhitmanFossil preparation and collections Managment