Europe Dr. Sylvain AdnetUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleoichthyology (Paleogene elasmobranchs) Dr. Eli AmsonHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Paleomammalogy (Osteology and functional morphology) Dr. Marc AugéMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France Paleoherpetology (Cenozoic lizards) Dr. Katharina BastlMedical University of Vienna, Austria Paleomammalogy (Paleogene carnivorous mammals) Dr. Mouloud BenammiUniversity of Poitiers, France Geology and paleomammalogy (magnetostratigraphy and rodents) Dr. Anaïs BouraUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie, France Paleobotany (wood anatomy) Dr. Eric BuffetautEcole Normale Supérieure, France Paleoherpetology (birds, and dinosaurs) Dr. Henri CappettaUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleoichthyology (Cretaceous and Paleogene elasmobranchs) Dr. Julien ClaudeUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic turtles) Dr. Vlad CodreaBabeş-Bolyai University, Romania Paleomammalogy (Meso- and Cenozoic faunas and stratigraphy) Dr. Dario De FranceschiMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle , France Paleobotany (palynology, wood, seeds) Dr. France de Lapparent de BroinMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic turtles) Gaël De PloëgCentre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement, France Fieldwork conducting and fossil collections Dr. Massimo DelfinoUniversity of Torino, Italy Paleoherpetology (Cenozoic crocodiles, lizards, turtles, snakes, frogs, and salamanders) Dr. Delphine DemaresUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie, France Micropaleontology (Cretaceous and Paleogene Foraminifera) Dr. Xavier DevleeschouwerRoyal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Geology and Paleontology (sedimentology and stratigraphy) Dr. Christian DupuisFaculté polytechnique, Université de Mons, Belgium Geology (Paleogene stratigraphy and sedimentology) Dr. Sébastien EnaultNaturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands Paleoichthyology (sharks) Dr. Jocelyn FalconnetMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France Collection preparation Dr. Cyril GagnaisonInstitut Polytechnique LaSalle-Beauvais, France Vertebrate Paleontology Alain GaloyerMeudon, France Fieldwork conducting and fossil collections Dr. Emmanuel GheerbrantMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France Paleomammalogy (Cretaceous and Paleogene of North Africa) Dr. Paul GigaseBerchem, Belgium Vertebrate Paleontology Dr. Marc GodinotMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Northern Europe) Dr. Paola IacuminUniversity of Parma, Italy Chemical Geology Dr. László Kocsis University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Chemical Geology Dr. Wighart von Koenigswald University of Bonn, Germany Paleomammalogy (Enamel microstructure) Dr. Sandrine LadevèzeMusée d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, France Paleomammalogy (paleobiology of placentals and marsupials) Yves LaurentMuséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, France Fieldwork conducting and vertebrate collections Dr. Renaud LebrunUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleommalogy (anatomy and microCT scanning) Dr. Bernard Marandat University of Montpellier, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Southern Europe) Dr. Laurent MarivauxUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Africa - Asia - South America) Dr. Jeremy MartinUniversity of Lyon, France Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic crocodiles) Dr. Edwige MasureUniversity Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, France Micropaleontology (Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts) François MaubertLafarge Granulats Seine Nord, France Geology (real estate management) Dr. Gerald MayrSenckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany Paleornithology Paleomammalogy (Paleogene ungulates) Dr. Grégoire MétaisMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene ungulates) Dr. Pieter MissiaenUniversity of Ghent, Belgium Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Asia - India) Dr. Michael MorloSenckenberg Research Institute, Germany Paleomammalogy (Paleogene hyaenodontans) Dr. Johannes MüllerMuseum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany Paleoherpetology (lizards) Dr. Doris NagelUniversität Wien, Austria Paleomammalogy (carnivores and functional morphology) Dr. Maeva J. OrliacUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleomammalogy (mammal inner ears) Dr. Adan Perez-GarciaUniversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic turtles) Judicaël PrieurAD-LAB, France Fossil vertebrate collections Dr. Florence QuesnelBureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, France Geology and Palynology (Early Paleogene of NW Europe) Dr. Jean-Claude Rage Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic snakes) Dr. Emile RocheUniversity of Liège, Belgium Paleobotany (palynology) Dr. Gilles RuffetUniversity of Rennes, France Geochemistry Dr. Johann Schnyder Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France Palynofacies reconstruction Dr. Josep Serra-Kiel University of Barcelona, Spain Geology (stratigraphy of large Foraminifera) Richard SmithRoyal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene of Northern Europe) Dr. Etienne SteurbautRoyal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Micropaleontology (Cretaceous and Paleogene nannofossils) Dr. Jean-Yves StormeUniversity of Namur, Belgium Geology (Isotopic analyses) Jérôme SuraultUniversity of Poitier, France Collection management, CT imaging and image processing Dr. Rodolphe TabuceUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Europe and Northern Africa) Dr. Romain ThomasMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France Paleobotany (fossil wood) Dr. Monique Vianney-LiaudUniversity of Montpellier, France Paleomammalogy (Paleogene rodents) Dominique Vidalenc St Gaudens, France Fieldwork conducting and fossil collections Africa M'barek AmaghzazOffice Chérifien des Phosphates, Morocco Geology Dr. Lahssen BaidderHassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco Geology (tectonic) Dr. Mohamed BenammiUniversity Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco Geology (structural geology and tectonic) Dr. Imad El KatiUniversity Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco Geology (magnetostratigraphy and tectonic) El Mabrouk EssidNational Office of Mines, Tunisia Geology (tectonic) Hayet Khayati AmmarNational Office of Mines, Tunisia Geology (biostratigraphy) Nicole Kitambala YayaCentre de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (CRGM), RDC Geology(stratigraphy and palynology of RDC) Dr. Mahammed MahboubiUniversity of Oran, Algeria Paleontology (Paleogene vertebrates) Wissem MarzouguiNational Office of Mines, Tunisia Geology (tectonic) Mustapha MouflihUniversity Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco Geology (sedimentology and geochemistry) Dr. Omar SaddiqiHassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco Geology (tectonic) Afifi SileemEgyptian Geological Museum, Egypt Paleontology (Paleogene mammals) Rim TemaniNational Office of Mines, Tunisia Geology (biostratigraphy) North America Dr. Heather E. AhrensHigh Point University, USA Paleomammalogy (Carnivorous mammals) Dr. Katherine E. BemisNational Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA Paleoichthyology Dr. William E. BemisCornell University, New York, USA Paleoichthyology Dr. David C. BlackburnUniversity of Florida, USA Biology (extant and fossil frogs) Dr. Jonathan I. BlochUniversity of Florida, USA Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene faunas) Dr. Doug M. BoyerDuke University, North Carolina, USA Paleomammalogy (Euarchontans) Dr. Stephen G.B. ChesterCity University of New York, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene mammals) Dr. Marian DagostoNorthwestern University, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene primates) Dr. Rachel H. DunnDes Moines University, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of North America and India) Y. Ranjeev EpaUniversity of Missouri, Columbia, USA Malacology (bivalve and gastropods) Dr. Dan GeboNorthern Illinois University, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene primates) Dr. Philip D. GingerichUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene faunas) Dr. Luke T. HolbrookRowan University, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene ungulates) Dr. Katrina E. JonesHarvard University , USA Paleobiology (functional morphology of mammals) Dr. Emily R. NaylorOhio University, Athens, Ohio USA Paleomammalogy (Oligocene micromammals) Dr. Paul E. Morse Duke University, North Carolina, USA Biological anthropology Dr. Haley O’BrienOklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, USA Paleomammalogy (artiodactyls, arterial morphology and macroevolution) Dr. Patrick M. O'ConnorOhio University, USA Vertebrate Paleontology (archosaurs) Dr. Jonathan MG PerryJohns Hopkins University, USA Paleomammalogy (Craniomandibular morphology of Eocene primates) Kristen A PrufrockJohns Hopkins University, USA Paleomammalogy (Chewing system development) Dr. Kenneth D. RoseJohns Hopkins University, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of North America & India) Dr. Gary SchwartzArizona State University, USA Mammalogy (primates development) Dr. Erik SeiffertUniversity of Southern California, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of Africa) Dr. Alycia StigallOhio University, Athens, Ohio USA Biology (paleobiogeography, paleoecology and macroevolution) Dr. James C. TaylerNational Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA Paleoichthyology Dr. Shawn P. ZackUniversity of Arizona College, USA Paleomammalogy (Paleogene of North America and India) Asia Dr. Alina IakovlevaGeological Institute, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Geology (Paleogene dinoflagellate cysts) Dr. Kishor KumarWadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, India Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene of India) Dr. Xijun NiInstitute of Vertebrate Paleontology - Paleoanthropology, China Paleomammalogy (Paleogene primates) Dr. Rajendra S. RanaHNB Garhwal University, India Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene of India) Dr. Ashok SahniPanjab University, India Vertebrate Paleontology (Meso- and Cenozoic of India) Laccham SinghHNB Garhwal University, India Vertebrate Paleontology (Paleogene of India) Dr. Haiyan TongMahasarakham University, Thailand Paleoherpetology (Meso- and Cenozoic turtles) Oceania Dr. Vanesa L. De PietriCanterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand Paleornithology Dr. Eric RobertsJames Cook University, Australia Geology (sedimentology and stratigraphy) Dr. R. Paul ScofieldCanterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand Paleornithology